About Us

Our Philosophy

If it weren’t for all the damage sugar does to our bodies, Innocent Chocolate would not have started. Innocent was developed by scientists who happen to be obsessed health fanatics. They do their absolute best not to ingest anything that isn’t good for the body. But as health fanatics and chocoholics, we knew there had to be a better-for-you way. Turns out we were right. After some crazy-inventive thinking, we turned an indulgent treat into something that’s also great for you. We started with incredible dark chocolate, added all natural compounds that act as enzyme inhibitors to block the digestion of sugars and starches, as well as all natural plant fiber based bindings that bind the fat in our chocolate so your enzymes can’t fully digest it. Alongside this we’ve added all sorts of powerful supplements ( bioactive plant extracts) so you can deal with all those pesky health challenges while still indulging in scrumptious chocolate. The result – all you taste is delicious chocolate varieties with net zero carbs, high fiber, and far lower calories. That does your body some serious good, and it’s way sweeter than sugar could ever be.

Innocent has the most unique and effective chocolate products to ever reach the market. When we started almost eight years ago, very few people knew what functional foods were, and even fewer were producing them. We knew we had the right stuff, and we stuck to it. Today the market has finally caught on and health boosting functional foods are all the rage. We are confident that we still lead the charge. Sure, we expect our competition to copy us, but mimicry is still the highest form of flattery, so we take it as a compliment. There is only one “Earth’s Healthiest Chocolate”™ and we are it.

Our History

"Just remember, it all started with a mouse" - Walt Disney

Looking back now at humble beginnings, I see just how far we have come, and I want to share our journey with you. An idea that became part of a greater vision that evolved into a fledgling company with unlimited aspirations. We don’t give up, and we never make mistakes, we just learn lot of ways to do things better. We hope you enjoy this collage of many of our efforts and accomplishments. The best is yet to come.

TY CHERRY ~ Founder

Team Innocent

We work as equals & celebrate as a team.

Ty Cherry


A visionary creator, TY also happens to be the founder and president at EarthCorp, so it’s no surprise…

Soren Thieleman

Director of Brand

Hailing from the mini-country of Denmark, Soren has poured his bottomless cup of creative juices into Innocent Chocolate…

Robert Kohn

Chief Financial Officer

Robert has served as the CEO of numerous large corporations in his career, and has an in-depth knowledge…

Veejooruth Purmessur

Chocolatier & Master Pastry Chef

Popularly known as Chef P, he is the winner of numerous international food awards and has a lifetime…

Dr. Shivani Uppal, PhD

Lead Science Advisor

Shivani has forged her way into the world of nanotechnology, earning her Doctorate from Punjab University, India where…

Our Mission - EarthCorp

Making environmental regeneration economically appealing

EarthCorp believes that the two most important organizations in our society are food producers and educators. Food producers are arguably the most important, since without food life ends. We seek to bring these facts back to the forefront of society. 

EarthCorp also recognizes that the existence of our society as we have created and structured it is fully dependent on economics and how it impacts the world as we understand it. Therefore, EarthCorp was created as a hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit enterprises. Nonprofits are doomed to failure by virtue of their nature, because they run counter to the structure of society as we created it under our economic model: they don’t generate profit.

EarthCorp creates economic growth through programs that benefit all parties. Most importantly, we do this in such a way that an inextricable bond is created between the Small Food Producers (aka farmers) and the manufacturers (retailers). A bond that is environmentally sustainable while being socioeconomically profitable.

Innocent Chocolate & EarthCorp: Being the Change We Want to See

EarthCorp Foundation (cir 2001) is a US 501(c)(3) with projects in multiple countries. Innocent Chocolate™ began in 2014 as a product to help with the epidemic of childhood diabetes and obesity. The purpose of Innocent is to improve the health of our consumers and empower EarthCorp to prove how nonprofits can work with for profits to gain increased profits for both.

Innocent Chocolate™ supports EarthCorp, which in turn supports the Small Food Producers raising a variety of crops in different countries, including the cacao that goes into Innocent Chocolate™. EarthCorp connects the Small Food Producers with the retail consumers to create a social bond, and then shares the profits from the retail sales back with the small food producers. Further, all the work is done in a model that is based in true organic, environmentally sustainable, renewable, preservation-minded ways.

When we say we are the most mission driven company of all time, we mean it.

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